Monday, October 11, 2010

Between Jingle Bell Rock and a Hard Place

So...the music teacher in me is already teaching students Christmas songs so that we can be ready for recitals and musical performances galore....but the thought of staging my listing with Christmas decorations just seems weird on this balmy day in October. If I have the same luck I had last year....I'll finally have a closing come through the week of musical. If only I could choreograph my life the way I choreograph my shows. Sometimes things just don't work the way we plan....Grandma always said, "The best way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans."

We missed church oldest has not been feeling well, and he was finally getting a good sleep. We didn't want to wake him, so we let him sleep. Already dressed for church, we decided to take the Bible out on the front porch....the sky was an amazing blue....God's sanctuary. It was a fantastic time of reading verses and God reaching down to touch our hearts. We realized a few is hard to be where we are...a Builder and a Realtor with two small children in these times sounds like a bad headline...but God is sustaining us. Each day we get up, we breathe, we eat, and we have what we need. We learned to look around and recognize our blessings. It's like the verse in Job, the most precious of metals have to be refined by fire...we are precious to God, and if we keep trusting, we will all shine with His glory!